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  • Archival Producer
  • Research & Sourcing
  • Interviews 
  • Archival Budgeting
  • Licensing & Clearance

Academic/Archival Research: Our expertise extends to mining the wealth of information stored in educational institutions, providing you with academic perspectives and invaluable insights for your project.

Direct/Primary Sources: Our specialization lies in conducting interviews and engaging with firsthand accounts, contributing to a narrative steeped in authenticity and primary information.

Legal Research & Documentation:  From court cases to legal documents, we navigate the complex terrain of the legal world to provide you with the insights that add layers of authenticity to your project.

Newspapers & Periodicals:

Embark on a journey through historical narratives with our meticulous examination of historical newspapers. Our research uncovers nuanced stories, events, and perspectives that have shaped history, offering a comprehensive understanding of your subject matter.

Licensing & Budgeting: We possess a strong understanding of Creative Commons, Fair Use, & licensing agreements, providing you with guidance on navigating the intricacies of licensing archival materials for use within your projects. 


  • International Academic & Historical Institutional Research 

  • Historical Newspapers

  • Contemporary Newspapers

  • State Records

  • Primary Source Research/Archival

  • Genealogical Research/Archival

  • Photo Research

  • FOIA Requests

  • Legal 

  • Government Records 

  • Police Records 

  • Archival Film & Video 

  • Archival Audio

  • Local & National News 



3. Depending on the project, an archival producer may be responsible for managing the budget related to acquiring and using archival materials. This could include fees for licensing, digitization costs, and other expenses.

4. Keeping detailed records of the materials used, including their sources, rights status, and any related agreements, is essential. We often create and maintain comprehensive documentation for the historical materials integrated into a project.

1. An archival researcher or producer is responsible for researching and identifying relevant archival materials for use in a specific project. This could involve working with archives, libraries, and other repositories to locate historical documents, photographs, footage, or other materials.

2. We also handle the acquisition and licensing of archival materials, ensuring proper permissions and legalities are addressed. This could involve negotiating with archives or copyright holders to obtain the necessary rights for using specific materials.



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